Friday, October 19, 2012

31 Days - Time for a trim

Once again another week is coming to a close and I'm doing another flashback Friday. This time I've gone back nearly two years and pulled out a post that still comes back to me from time to time and one that fits in well with my "Seeing God" series.

From November 19, 2010 -

Time for a Trim

Over the last few weeks God has really been working on my heart to slow a wife, Mom, homeschooler, MOPS leader and member of a women's ministry team I have been busy. And last week we added illness to the mix - then things were messy and I was tired. But as I sat up in the wee hours trying to comfort my little man, God worked to do the same with me.

You see He'd been "messing" with me - in a good way, but yet it was hard. So I sat there crying out to Him, "God what do you want me to do?"

And then a picture of my little Joy came to mind and I saw myself trimming her bangs - now initially I thought, Jill focus and honestly I did not know why my mind was thinking of this. But then the picture changed, I saw her face in a new way - a better way, a more complete way and then God said to me, "Jill, if you cut back in your life you will see me better too."

Wow!! I'm still not sure what He will be trimming from my life, but I'm willing to let Him and I look forward to seeing more clearly and am excited to see HIM in bigger and better ways!

How about you, "Is it time for a trim?" I think of my little Joy again and this is never something she chooses to do. In her words, "It feels funny. I want to play instead." I know I've said similar things, "But God it hurts. It's change. I want to..." Just like I know what's best for my little girl, God knows and wants what's best for me, and you.

So today will you join me in handing him the scissors and simply being still so He can do what He needs to do? 

This mind picture is one that has never faded that time in my life God did some major trimming. I won't lie it was hard and took some adjusting, but the view it led to was beautiful. Friends, if God is asking you to step into the ultimate barber's chair can I encourage you to do it!! Your life may look different, but trust me you will SEE Him more!!

Has God ever given you a trim? I'd love to hear how it helped you see! Remember your comment enters you in a drawing for Wendy Blight's book "Hidden Joy in a Dark Corner." 


Rachel Beran said...

Oh, Jill, I have recognized the need to "trim back" a couple of times myself...but you already know about that. Interestingly, because you had the courage to do it, I knew I could too. Thank you for following His lead and being an example to many. There are different weight loads we can bear during different seasons of life. The thing is, remembering that and always reevaluating where we are. Not always easy to discern.

Lately, I've been feeling a little overwhelmed with my responsibilites. Been asking the Lord to show me where I need to "trim back" or asking for His grace and strength to bear it all.

Thanks for reposting. BTW, I remember when you posted it the first time. :)

odile said...

great posts!!