Tuesday, July 8, 2008

No Turning Back

I read the second chapter of Lysa TerKeurst's book entitled a Line in the Sand and God not only spoke to me thru the words on the pages, but illustrated it as well.

Today, Joy, my second child and also our little miss independent was determined to ride her bike without training wheels. So J.D., our 5 year old mechanic willingly removed the extra wheels and encouraged his little sis!

After moments of frustration, I suggested possibly putting the training wheels back on, after all she is only 3!! But my little princess/tomboy, who believes she can do anything her big brother can, wanted nothing to do with that!

She had been able to ride with me getting her started and believed with enough determination she could do it herself. She wasn't turning back even if it meant a skinned up knee!

As I watched her persevere, I thought of Lysa's words, "starting something new begins with leaving something old." That was true for Joy today, just like it is for me as I walk the path God has paved.

Sometimes it is hard, I think I can't, I worry about falling and getting hurt, I wonder what others will think, but just like my little girl I have to make a choice. No matter what might happen, I have to do what God calls me to do. Sure I might crash, but she reminded me I can get back up, brush it off and try again. She even went so far after one fall to stand up, smile and say, "There's not even any blood!!"

As much as Joy encouraged me today - after an hour she was making skid marks just like her brother, Lysa's comment about God filling in the gaps was the icing on the cake. I know my confidence and belief in myself can only take me so far and when I reach the limit it is wonderful to know God will cover the rest.

In the past year I sense He has done that and it's wonderful to look back and see what He has done. His faithfulness in the past offers wonderful hope for the future!!

As I say that I think about what He is calling me from because as Lysa says we have to leave the old if we want something new. I know the thought is right, but at times it is scary - I often let the what if's occupy my mind and find myself dwelling on what might never happen. Why??

So as I move ahead, I do so trusting the One who calls. As a former public school teacher who left teaching to stay home 5 years ago, in a sense I will leave an old mindset this fall as I begin homeschooling my son. As I take this step with worry, fear and excitement I know I will depend on God like never before and just like Joy reminded me this afternoon once we take that step there is no turning back!!


Laura said...

What a beautiful illustration God provided for you today, Jill.
I love these words: "Sometimes it is hard, I think I can't, I worry about falling and getting hurt, I wonder what others will think, but just like my little girl I have to make a choice."
It is scary, isn't it? But our God is so Great, fear pales in comparison to Him.
So wonderful to "meet" you and bond over a good book!

Pamela (His maidservant) said...

Those "what if's"-they are so defeating!! What a great illustration of perserverance with your daughter and how we are to be.

I love your blog title and I will be back to explore your ministry here more!! I am on a journey towards womens ministry and I foresee you being a blessing to me here!

In His Graces~Pamela

Laurie Ann said...

No turning back...I like that. May we have the faith of Joy. I loved your post - so full of encouragement! Isn't this study great?

Unknown said...

Good stuff! Ah, to have the faith of a child! :) It truly was a great illustration of leaving the old behind and striving on for the new.

Prayers and Blessings,

LynnSC said...

Hi Jill,
There is nothing like stepping out in faith and following God. It is so hard though!!

I find that it is the times that I don't follow Him in faith that I fall and skin up my knees. But being the hard-head that I am... I still try to do things my way at times.

May God bless you in your home school. Just wait until that little one starts to read... you will truly be amazed at what God did through you. If you think that you can't do it... you are right. BUT, God can and will do it through you. Only God!

I would be glad to share some things that worked for us if you are interested. My youngest has never been to public school... and what she has learned to do through God is totally amazing. I would only give this up for God. God has so graciously changed my heart to the point that I can at least ride by the schools now without crying. I know that it will be okay. Because He makes all things okay in my heart.

I know that He is doing a "new thing". I am excited and yet fearful. I know His plan is best. I will be waiting to see what it is.

Michelle said...

Great analogy! I loved, "There's not even any blood." It made me think falling may not be as painful as we sometimes fear.

Oh, the what-ifs try to knock me off track also. "His faithfulness in the past offers wonderful hope for the future." So true.

I found you through Lelia's study. Blessings.

Sandra Garcia said...

What awesome determination your little girl has. My Nick, who is seven, refuses to ride his bike without training wheels. We've tried so many times to teach him but he's so convinced he will fall and hurt himself. Instead of having faith that he can do it, he is fearful. Something we are working with him to overcome. Thanks for sharing!


Lelia Chealey said...

Jill, I loved Joy's story and the no blood comment. I was just reading in 1 John last night & kept reading this verse over & over again. Reminds me so much of Joy.
1 John 5:3
This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome

Thanks for sharing this wonderful story with us.