Thursday, October 16, 2008

What do you think?

Well as this book journey continues to unfold, I am learning a lot. Not just about the ins and outs of publishing, but myself as well and my faith is growing stronger. But what does this have to do with you? Good question!

They have asked me to put together information for the back cover and I'm not real sure what I should say, so I have put something together and would like your opinion. Would this get your attention? What details should or could I add? Anything missing that you'd like to see? Really I'm looking for honesty here, because this is all new for me.

With that here's a possible back cover for Letters from Leanne - The Beauty of a Spiritual Mother-Daughter Relationship -

Have you ever wondered what the Titus 2 relationship looks like today? In Letters from Leanne you will see how lives are impacted when generations connect. Join Leanne Anderson and Jill Beran as they share their words and friendship, one God created, continues to nourish and constantly bless.

On their walk of faith they have encountered good times and bad along with smiles and tears, but through it all God has been present. Come along for the journey and see how they change, their friendship grows and God works.

Spiritual mentoring is a Biblical concept and Letters from Leanne illustrates its importance and value yet today. Leanne and Jill’s friendship will encourage you, and leave you longing for a spiritual mother-daughter relationship yourself.

Thanks for your input!


RefreshMom said...

I think it's a good start (I have a couple ticky-tacky editorial comments I can give you if you want them, word choice stuff).

I think your lead paragraph though should start out with your "story." A sentence or two about why/how you came to seek the Titus 2 relationship, etc. You've mentioned there being some hurt within other relationships as part of your story is the absence of the Titus 2 relationship within your family relationships; that tension would also be something that will make the back-cover info more compelling. Does that make sense?

Zoe said...

Thanks so much for your post on my blog. I hope you will continune to update us on the situations you mentioned.
Zoe Elmore

TeriAnnElizabeth said...

Hi Jill,

I'm doing the Bible Study "Behind Those Eyes" with Lelia's Tuesday group, too!

I loved your insight. I love how GOD is using your story for HIS glory!

Be brave and courageous in the power of the Holy Spirit. If GOD called you to share this story, then you can expect affirmation AND opposition.

I stop by blogs that have Titus 2 as their ministry and I read their stories of coming to know the LORD at age 5 or 6! I'm just blown away by how they have lived their lives so that they can now teach and love their children, as well as honor, love and respect their husbands.

My story is not pretty like that, but I suppose just as Mary Magdalene followed Christ, I can as well and warn the younger women what can happen if they wander from the path that HE has put before them.

Blessings and prayers,