Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Rooting out the Lies

Have you ever learned something and later realized you needed to be reminded of the same truth? Have you ever taught your children a lesson, but then time passes and you need to reteach? That happens at our house, so don't feel bad if you experience the same!

Today I found myself re-reading this post from 6 years ago and was grateful for the lesson God put on my heart and evidence of the work He's done in my children's hearts. Friend, if you are a mom longing to teach your children about identity in Christ, I pray this example helps you. If you are a woman who struggles with the lies the world and Satan share, I pray this lesson brings truth and helps you take your thoughts captive. So with that words from 2011-

Yesterday I shared a conversation I recently had with my 6 year old daughter and today we worked on how to respond if that happens again. To recap the story, Joy was upset when two other young girls said she looked like a boy. She was hurt, I was hurt, but we've both learned a lesson.

That night as Joy shared her experience with me, I was determined to not let these lies and doubts take root in Joy's heart like they had done in mine many years ago.

My teacher mind got going and I thought - How can I get Joy (and my other children) to understand this better? So today, the kids helped make a tree to put up on our school room wall. The entire time they were cutting and gluing, making branches, roots and dandelions, questions were being asked, "Why are we doing this? What is this for?" and on and on.

After talking about trees, I asked, "How are we like a tree?" The responses varied and a few being quite interesting, but hen our lesson began.

We all gathered around our newly decorated school wall and I shared Joy's recent experience with all the kids. I asked, "Is she a boy?"

Her 4 year old sister looked at me like I'd lost my mind and said, "No!"

I responded, "Jaylyn, you are right! So were those words about Joy true?" Again I hear, "No." So I ask, "What is the opposite of the truth?"

My 8 year old answers, "A lie." And little Jaylyn adds, "They are bad!!" "Right again, a lie is bad, kind of like weeds in the garden or dandelions around the tree."

We then turned our attention to the tree that had caused so much curiosity. Only now there were words on the dandelions (as you can see art is not my strong point - they are the yellow lollipop looking things!!) and on some of the roots.

We talked about  how we are like a tree and our roots are what make us strong and help us grow and stand tall. But sometimes things happen in our hearts just like they do on the other side of the window - weeds creep in and mess things up.

So I asked, "What do we do with weeds in the garden?" Three little voices tell me, "We pull them out!!" "Right again! So Joy why don't you come up here and pull out this weed!!" She thought that was great!!

But there was more, I went on to share when the weeds aren't there, the roots have a better opportunity to grow. Then we focused on one root specifically, one that said, "Let the king be enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord." Psalm 45:11

We read the verse, talked about what it meant and Joy added some construction paper so the root could grow!! I pray the one in her heart grew as well!!

Minutes ago I asked Joy what she thought about our tree or what this meant to her...this is what she had to say, "Somethings that people say might make me cry, but they're a weed. I need to think about that and try not to cry and remember God made me. My roots need to grow and that's stuff that is really true cuz He thinks I'm beautiful just like you think that too."

We ended the day with a new picture, one without weeds, but ladies I believe we all know the ones in our heart grow back faster than the ones in our garden!! May we all remember to weed them out, so our roots can grow and we can be who God made us to be!!

Today, what weed do you need to remove? What root needs to grow? I'd love to hear what truth you can cling to as you grow in Christ today!


Wendy Blight said...

Jill, this is so beautiful!! It breaks my heart to think of someone hurting our sweet Joy. But I love she has a mama who points her to Truth and a sold-out heart to Jesus to understand, believe and apply that truth in her own life. You are a wonderful mama.



Jill Beran said...

Thanks Wendy! I'm grateful God gave me this illustration and even more thankful that He's helped my kids (and me) root out the lies. May be time to make a new tree and teach my little guys!