I'm also reminded that our life is never just about us. We've been studying 1 Thessalonians and this short letter from Paul has much to say about faith and fellowship. Friend, your life and your faith matters. It obviously matters to you and impacts your relationship with God, but there's more.
In this book, we learn much about Paul's relationship with and love for the Thessalonians. He had been with them for a short while preaching the Gospel in not the best environment yet they responded to the Truth he pointed them too. Then he was called away.
Think for a minute about what happens when you are away from ones you love and those you've taught. Do you ever wonder how they are doing? Do you worry? Is it possible to be discouraged?
Well, in Paul's situation much went through his mind. He had heard reports...some good and some bad. He longed to see the ones he loved. He was in a hard place and needed encouragement. So he sent a mutual friend to check on them.
Timothy returned and "brought us the good news of your faith and love and reported that you always remember us kindly and long to see us as we long to see you." Notice he doesn't just say he's thankful they are doing well, he points out their faith and love. He was encouraged by their response to God and others.
He doesn't stop there as he goes on to say, "for this reason, brothers in all our distress and affliction we have been comforted about you through your faith." (1 Thessalonians 3:7)
Years ago, my lack of faith, would have left many people hurting and grieving. I believed the lie that I didn't matter, but my actions would have made a difference. Today I know believing the Truth matters and realize my faith makes a difference. Do you?
Can you encourage someone today with your faith? Perhaps God wants you to share your testimony? Maybe it's a smile or encouraging word? Or it could be living like Jesus in your home and loving those who know you best and sometimes see you at your worst? I don't know, but God does. Spend sometime in prayer and His Word, He will equip you and lead you as this day unfolds.
Remember somebody like Paul might be waiting to see your faith so that they too can say, "For now we really live, since you are standing firm in the Lord. How can we thank God enough for you in return for all the joy we have in the presence of our God because of you?"
Friend, I'd love to hear how you've been encouraged by another's faith? When you are discouraged or doubting how has a brother or sister helped you stand firm?
And a BIG thank you to all who've encouraged me, strengthened me and walked with me! I thank God for you and your faith!
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