Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Pink Elephants

I can recall a motivational pep-talk the head coach gave a team 9 years ago when I was an assistant coach. She was talking to the girls about the game we were to play in just a few minutes and things they were to think about. She had them close their eyes and went on to say, "Keep your eye on the ball. Your glove down..." but in the middle of her list she simply said, "But don't think about pink elephants!" She then asked the team what they saw and you're right most of them said, "Pink elephants."

She used that to remind them how they couldn't go up to bat thinking they'd strike out or stand in the field hoping the ball wouldn't come their way. They had to be confident and think positively. And most of all they had to be telling themselves the right thing. The team and coaches could encourage all day, but ultimately the voice they listened to would be their own.

Which brings me to Lelia's new blog book study, Self Talk, Soul Talk - What to Say When You Talk to Yourself by Jennifer Rothshchild. Today we are looking at chapter one - Not So Well With My Soul.

She is addressing the messages we tell ourselves. I could relate to her words about not being good enough. Through the years it seems that is what I have told myself the most. It didn't matter if it was sports, talking in front of class, dating, the list goes on, but the message pretty much stayed the same.

Like she said, "A battle was being waged in my mind and I never even realized its impact at the time." How true, but I am thankful that 30 years into this game we call life I'm learning not to think about or talk about pink elephants.

I'm grateful I've learned this, but at the same time am looking forward to what Jennifer has to share as we move forward with this book. Currently I'd say the soundtrack of my self talk is neutral with an occasional condemning track and every once in awhile a more encouraging word.

I'm eager to leave the negative self talk behind and replace it with powerful soul talk that comes from God's word instead of my mind!


Heaven said...

"I'm eager to leave the negative self talk behind and replace it with powerful soul talk that comes from God's word instead of my mind!"

Amen! Right there with ya! Heaven

pam said...

AMEN to God's Word being what fills us up!

Lelia Chealey said...

That is a great analogy Jill and one I'll never forget! Always love what you share.

Joy Junktion said...

I'm right there with you sister. Glad you are joining in this study.

Anonymous said...


I love this "pink elephant" story. It is so true...

"ultimately the voice we listen to is our own."

This is going to be a great book study!


Carol said...


Love the Pink Elephant analogy. That was great. I'm with you "eager to leave the negative self talk behind and replace it with powerful soul talk that comes from God's word instead of my mind!"

Looking forward to doing this book study with you.

:) Carol

Heather said...

I can also relate to the words about not ever being good enough. I still catch myself doing that. I didn't clean that up perfectly or I didn't cook that dinner just right. What a trap that can be!