Monday, April 22, 2013

"What can we do?"

Recently I was part of a conversation in which we were discussing events and beliefs in the world today. The horror of the bombings in Boston, the actions of Dr. Gosnell and our culture's tendency to call good evil and evil good. As we shared, we kept coming back to the same question, "What can we do?"

For those of you who know me personally, you understand I'm one who avoids conflict and I'm not one to throw my opinion around. I don't want to get into a war of words, but at times my heart breaks as I see our world (including me at times) accept sin as a way of life.

This question, "What can we do?" didn't just enter my mind; honestly I've thought about it quite often and even presented it to God in prayer. I finally feel like He's giving me an answer.

And friend, He's not leading me to DO anything, but He did whisper..."Just be who I made you to be." Though He created us each uniquely and has a specific plan for you and me, He's called us all to be disciples - ones who follow Him and make disciples too. Ones who serve and share. Ones who speak the Truth in love. Ones who love their neighbor, but don't embrace their sin.

The more I try to do this the more I realize God can work thru me, not by doing some BIG ministry thing, but being who He made me to be. A child who receives His love, so that I can share it with others. A woman He's gifted, so that He can build His kingdom. A daughter who depends on Him so that He can do all things thru me. An individual who knows God is holy, sovereign, loving and forgiving so that I can trust Him. A woman who's accepted Christ as Lord and Savior so that I will go to heaven one day and am now filled with His Spirit. A person who can look back and see what God's done for me so that I long for others, even you, to experience the same.

To confirm all these thoughts God led me to Mark 5:19 today...Jesus has just cast the demons out of Legion and He says to him, “Go home to your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how He has had mercy on you.”

I truly believe these words are ones Jesus wants to share with us today! What can we do as evil surrounds us, people lose hope and sin becomes a way of life? We can share what the Lord has done for us! We can tell of forgiveness that has set us free, hope that's led us through the darkness and peace that surpasses all understanding. We can tell the world, our friends, our family about Jesus, the One who died for you and me!

Looking back I'm thankful for the friends who told me about Christ and I pray God will help me do the same. I want to be a friend who matters...not just in this life, but for eternity. I pray you do too and hope these words from Mark Cahill will encourage you to live out Mark 5:19 and do the thing God asks us to do as we be who He created us to be!!

"My Friend"

My friend, I stand in judgment now,
And feel that you’re to blame somehow.
On Earth I walked with you day by day,
And never did you show me the way.

You knew the Lord in truth and glory,
But never did you tell the story.
My knowledge then was very dim;
You could have led me safe to Him.

Though we lived together here on Earth,
You never told me of the second birth.
And now I stand this day condemned,
Because you failed to mention Him.

You taught me so many things, that’s true;
I called you “friend” and trusted you.
But I learn now that it’s too late,
And you could have kept me from this fate.

We walked by day and talked by night,
And yet you showed me not the light.
You let me live, and love, and die,
You knew I’d never live on high.

Yes, I called you “friend” in life,
And trusted you through joy and strife.
And, yet, on coming to this dreadful end,
I cannot, now, call you “my friend.” 

And friend, if this post has left you with questions or even a bit confused, email me at and I'd be honored to connect with you and be a friend - one who tells you what Jesus has done for me and how He wants to do the same for you! Praying for you now!

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