Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Because you say so...

"Because I said so!" These are words most children think they will never repeat, but many, when they become the parent, often do. Why is that? Because parents are the authority and have, or should have, the final say...often times no bigger explanation is needed.

Over the past week I've thought about this a bit differently...I'm past the fact that I've said something I thought I never would, but lately I've been thinking about things from the child's perspective. I'm not talking about my children, but myself and if you are a child of God, I'm thinking of you as well.

I've never heard God say to me, "Because I said so," but I think He's a Father we can assume wants us to obey and believe what He has to say.

Over the past few months, He's been leading me to expand the idea of Titus24U. It's been the name of my blog for 5 years, but currently He's asking me to live out this idea in my home church. So this Thursday night we are planning the first ever Titus24U time...an opportunity for women to connect with God and one another! There will be time for fellowship, worship, prayer, a word of encouragement and discussion.

In my mind it makes sense and I'm excited to have some time to connect and go deeper, but when I think about me leading this doubt creeps in and insecurity takes over. I know this happens when I take my eyes off of God, so I'm grateful He is helping me see when that happens and I can refocus and trust.

All along though I've known God was leading me to this place and as I stepped out one step at a time, in a way I felt like a kid who was moving forward because her Father said so. I was pressing on and fighting fear because I longed to obey.

A couple of weeks ago, God confirmed all that was taking place as I read Luke 5:5 - "Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.”

Granted my situation is different than Peter's, but they do have something in common - in our opinion's what's being asked doesn't make much sense.  I mean Peter has already done exactly what Jesus is telling him to do and had no results, but he knows who Jesus is and he doesn't just listen, but friend he obeys. 

I read those words and though I could come up with a few excuses and reasons of my own, I knew my response had to be just like Peter's, so I whispered to God, "Because You say so, I will move forward with this Titus24U time..."

Friend, if God is leading you to take a step, or even a leap, of faith or asking you to obey a command that is hard can I challenge you to think about Peter's response and encourage you to make it your own?

Perhaps thinking about the rest of that story in Luke will help! Verses 6 and 7 go on to say, "When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink."

As a parent there are times I think I know what's best and right for my kids, but friend God ALWAYS does! If we take Him at His Word and obey simply because He says so, our lives will overflow with blessings in the same way Peter's boat overflowed with fish! (So you know, I'm telling myself to remember what I just wrote!!)

So today listen, really listen, and if you can't hear God ask Him to speak clearer and then be prepared to act simply because He says so!

I'd love to hear what He's whispering to you and I'd be honored to pray for you so leave a comment and I'll do just that! I also appreciate your prayers as I attempt to do what He says as well!


Unknown said...

Great post Aunt Jill! :)

Rachel Beran said...

Excited to attend Titus24U, knowing God put this on your heart for a reason! Love you and your obedient heart, Jill!!