Sunday, January 23, 2011

"Just say..."

If you had to complete this statement, "Just say...." what word would you choose? My mind instantly goes back to elementary school and the drug prevention program. Every week the police officer would visit our class and in one way or another tell us, "Just say no!!"

Now when it comes to drugs, peer pressure, any temptation this is exactly the response that we all need!! But lately I've been reminded that when it's God speaking to me, I must be ready to say just the opposite. Whether it's when He's calling or leading or even coaxing or convincing I need a heart that says, "YES!!"

As I sit and put these words on paper I realize this is a task that is easy to talk about, but a bit of a challenge to consistently live!! Back in the day I never struggled to "just say no" to drugs or alcohol, but I'd be lying if I said I never gave into temptation. I fell short during my school days, in college, as a teacher and today in my life as a wife and mom. I'm human; I mess up, I sin. There are things I should say no to, but I do them anyway. There are thoughts and doubts that are wrong, but rather than saying no, I open the door of my mind and let them in. Saying "no" can be hard.

And saying "yes" can be just as challenging. Over two years ago, God put it on my heart to organize a women's event in our area - initially this seemed crazy and impossible, but thankfully over time He convinced my heart to just say yes. Two years later, myself and many others have been blessed by the Rise and Shine Women's Retreat! I am truly amazed at all He's done!! One little, hesitant, scared yes led to results beyond anything I ever imagined!!

Over the last two months He's been asking me to say "yes" once again and just like before this seems crazy. You see He's been asking me to step away from the Rise and Shine leadership team and though the selfish side of me wants to regress to the phrase from my elementary days and just say "no," He has impressed it on my heart to do exactly what He's calling me to do and again just say "yes" without fully understanding why.

As I've wrestled with all of this, God has brought a verse to mind. One many of us know well and have heard often - Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." Honestly I don't understand what He is doing, but experience has taught me to trust in HIM!! Friend, perhaps you can relate, I encourage you to listen for His voice and when you hear it, "just say yes!!!"


Kimberly said...

Your posts on having a decision to make and then this one on learning to just say "yes" to His voice are so timely.

I am faced with a decision right now. One that has me so torn. One that I have not heard His answer on yet. And so I wait. And have to trust I can hear from Him. And hold on to the very verse you posted.

AND, as I have read in your post here and in another post I read yesterday, I am reminded I need to already be telling Him "yes", even though I do not know the answer.

Whew! Indeed, sounds easy, walks a bit hard! :)

Trusting Him to lead you and to lead me! :)
Love to you,

Mining for Diamonds said...

Amen! I can relate on many levels. Who would have ever thought that saying "yes" could be just as hard as saying "no"!

Julie Gillies said...

Oh Jill, I SO relate to this! You are not the only reluctant speaker/writer/doer for God. *smile*

I understand the ambivalence to say "yes" most of all. When God asked me to start writing, it made no sense. I didn't even graduate from high school--I have only a G.E.D. But He kept leading me and I followed (with quaking knees!) What He has done flabbergasts me.

But that's our God. He works in and through our human weaknesses. And like you, Jill, I'm SO glad (and grateful!) that He does.

Rachel Beran said...

I'm proud of you for just saying "yes", Jill! I know it's hard to understand, but God has a plan. Saying "yes" and following Him (no matter what) is always the right decision, even when we don't understand. I know God has great things in store for you! Keep trusting and keep following! I love you, friend!! P.S. I'm really, really, really going to miss our drives to R&S meetings!

Alicia said...

Be encouraged! Doing what God wants even when we don't understand always holds blessings!!! It's an adventure to live for God, as you know, so look at this as yet another little adventure God is taking you on. It's a surprise, so He doesn't give you the details :) My prayers are with you!

Polly said...

I say YES to all of the previous posts. I agree with everyone. Jill, you are amazing. I can't wait to see what God has in store for you. Just wait on Him....