Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Good Friend or A God Friend?

Have you ever had a good friend? As a child perhaps this was the girl you played with, dressed like and always invited to your house. Maybe in the teen years you spent hours on the phone together, were there for one another during the difficult times and combined your abilities on an athletic team. Then as life went on perhaps this good friend was someone you worked with or who had children the same age as yours.

Looking back at the various stages in life, good friends through the years have some similarities. They are the ones we talk with, listen to, laugh with and even shed tears with. She's the gal we call in times of trouble and lean on when life gets tough. Those who are really good friends get to know us well, sometimes better than we know ourselves! These friends are special.

But my life experience shows that even good friends don't last forever. As times change, friendships do too. That doesn't mean these good friends don't serve a purpose, but it does prove they don't last forever.

Though I will always value my good friends and treasure those relationships from years gone by, I'm beginning to appreciate another type of friend, my God friends. These gals are good friends, but they take the next step. We do and share all the things I've done with my good friends, but yet the friendship is different.

I'm starting to realize these women care more about my relationship with God than they do about my friendship with them. And that is huge. I'm sure many of us can think back to the difficult days of junior high and recall a friendship or two that only revolved around what we had to offer. With God friends that is not the case.

With these women you can still talk and laugh, cry and listen, but these relationships are real. With a God friend you don't simply get together for a good time, you cross paths and share life. She is there to listen and rejoice, support and encourage. Since she too is walking in the truth, she also keeps you accountable, has the ability to see the mistakes you make and earned your trust and respect to confront you with it. These friends don't just build you up, they strengthen your faith as well.

I think about my good friends through the years and at time miss the things we shared, but will always value the memories. At the same time I look ahead and think about the God friends I now have. I know that though time and distance may separate us because these relationships are based on God, not good things, they will last forever. My God friends and I will always be connected; our friendship will stand strong now and forever.

"Thank you Lord for good friends and especially God friends! Like your word says they truly do love at all times. Though sometimes that love is tough, I greatly appreciate all you do through the people you've placed in my life. And Lord, thank you for being the best friend of all! In your precious name, Amen"


Rachel Beran said...

Love these thoughts.

So glad we have the Lord, but also so glad that He gives us friends for the journey. :)

You are a good friend...and a God friend. :)

amykat said...

This is such a timely blog for me, Jill!
I found my long-lost high school best friend on facebook yesterday! She and I were inseparable as teenagers, and we roomed together for one summer during college (until we went to different schools). She was the truest of true friends, and I loved her like a sister.
Yet time and distance slowly took us farther apart, until I literally lost touch with her. We were not even in each other's weddings, and I just found out she had a baby boy that I knew nothing about!
Although I was overjoyed at finding her, it was kind of bittersweet because I realized there were so many things I missed.
Your post got me to thinking about my God friends....and how different (and deeper) these relationships are.
Thanks for your words! You never fail to encourage me!
Love you!!!

Anonymous said...

beautiful, I am working on putting more good friends in my life :)