Monday, January 23, 2017

A Critical Question

Questions - as a Mom I sometimes don't appreciate questions, but I know they have value. We'll never know if we don't ask and we can't understand unless we inquire. Questions serve a purpose for my children, but friend, regardless of our age, they are important for us as well.

Awhile back, in the midst of a conversation with a young man 10 years older than my first born, I found myself asking questions. This gentleman is newly married and walked through his teen years successfully...I'd be grateful if my son does the same. So as we discussed the possible temptations and trials the future held for my children I asked, "So what did your parents say or do that helped get you to where you are today?"

The young man thought for awhile, reminded me of the fact that good, Godly parenting doesn't guarantee good, Godly kids and then paused to share a short story. He said, "One thing I remember my mom saying to me - 'Is Jesus just going to be your Savior?' or 'Will He be your Lord too?' Those questions made me think. If He was going to be my Lord I needed to live for Him and do things His way." I decided I too wanted to have this conversation with all of my children.

Life went on, a few days passed and I found myself drifting a bit. Nothing major had happened, but life was busy, our days were full and I was lacking discipline. I was falling into survival mode as a mom, wife and believer. History repeated itself as my mind began to wonder, doubts crept in and I started to slip. I wasn't in the pit of depression, but I was heading that way.

One day as I talked with my husband, we got to discussing something about the kids and as we did I remembered the conversation I described above. I shared it with Job and God convicted my heart.

If I don't want Jesus to just be my kids Savior, I'd better be sure they know He is my Lord.

Friend, this thought stopped me in my tracks and brought tears to my eyes. You see I've been in the pit of depression before along with the place of paralyzation. God's led me to do things, step out and serve Him, but my selfish, prideful insecurities along with Satan's deceitful, destroying lies leave me paralyzed. I turn back and return to my mat. I do what's comfortable and has become a habit. But these questions made me look at things a bit differently. Psalm 40 has been true in my life - God has saved me out of the pit before. As I faced falling in again, I trusted Him to do the same.

I will forever be grateful for His saving grace and am aware that at any moment I will need it again, but this situation seemed a bit different. Just like I NEVER want my kids to fall into temptation because they know Jesus will save and forgive, I'd better not willingly do the same.

Friend, can I ask you the same critical, convicting question? "Is Jesus just your Savior or are you willing to confess that He is your Lord?"

As you admit that He is Lord, do so remembering Jesus' words in Luke 6:46 - "Why do you call me 'Lord, Lord' and do not do what I say?" We can't simply say, "Jesus is Lord," we must live like He is. If you've been walking with Him and abiding in His Word, you know what He says. Will you do it?

I encourage you to take some time and really think about this. It's easy to quickly give the right answer and move on, but reflect on the last week, your recent thoughts and actions. Is your life proof that Jesus is Lord?

Last week if anyone examined the transcript of my mind I'm not sure I'd been proven guilty. I'm so thankful for the insight the young man shared with me, not only as a mom, but as a disciple. Jesus is my Lord and my Savior. He's pulled me out of the pit and restored the joy of my salvation. Through His Word He's instructed me, given me commands and expects me to obey. And friend, if you've confessed with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, He expects the same.

Dear Heavenly Father, you are my Savior and you are my Lord. You are mighty and powerful - I'm grateful and I'm humbled. May I always remember who you are and live, act, speak and think rightly because of that. Thank you for still saving me when I fall. And thank you for reminding me to do what you say. Lord, you are the authority figure, help me be the obedient child. The life I live and example I share will teach much more than any words I can say, help me be mindful of that. Lord, thank you for speaking through your people and convicting my heart. Keep me moving forward with you and towards you. And Lord, when I'm tempt to drift may I always reach for you, my anchor. In Jesus' Name I pray...Amen


Anonymous said...

Thanks. I needed this.

Wendy Blight said...

Wow! What a wonderful question. It really makes me stop and think. If it's not Jesus, who or what is Lord of our lives? We all want Jesus to be Lord of our lives, but is He really? When He is, our words will be kinder, our actions more measured, and our hearts more surrendered. And I love the prompting for this post came from a wise young man!!

