Tuesday, August 16, 2016


Feeding cattle...a job that happens every day on the farm and something I've done for the last week. The other night I walked into the cattle pen to do my chores, but later realized I was walking into God's classroom to be reminded of a lesson we must not forget.

As I approached the gate with the skidloader, the cattle came out of the shed and started lining up at the feed bunks. They were hungry and they knew where to go for nourishment.

While watching this, I had a thought - why don't I do the same thing?

I mean don't you get hungry? Chances are we're all grown women, so we know where the kitchen is, but let's think about this in a spiritual sense. Are you ever emptied? Need your cup refilled? Are you running low on energy? Your love tanking nearing empty? Your level of joy almost non-existent? How about peace? Are you experiencing that?

Friend, God provides all we need. Philippians 4:19 says, "And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus." He created the resources and they will never run out. We feed our cattle and God will do the same and more for our souls.

But just like the cattle line up at the bunk, you and I must go to His book. His living and active word will teach, correct, rebuke and train. His Word will fill us. It is the living water that we long for. I can't force a nearly grown steer to eat and God won't force us either, so today will you make the choice to go to Him and get filled up on His Word?

This sounds simple enough and experience tells me Scripture has the power to transform. God's Word has impacted me greatly, but I'm sorry to admit I don't always make the right choice.

As I observed the cattle and thought about God feeding me, I realized a problem with this illustration. Our cattle have no other source of nourishment...if they want something to eat, they must come to the bunk and wait for us to fill it. Sometimes I wish it was that easy for you and me, but we live in a broken world full of sin and distractions.

When we are feeling empty we have many options - picking up the phone and calling a friend, mindlessly wasting time on Facebook, eating another cookie or watching another TV show. Or we can ignore the hunger pains and get busy doing work, work, work. Do any of these sound familiar? Do you ever fill up on the wrong thing? Does it just leave you feeling emptier than you were before? The next time you're hungry, remember where we find the only nourishment that will last.

Another lesson from my four legged friends - they are satisfied with the same thing every day. My kids would probably wonder what was up if I served them the same meal day after day...if it was pancakes they'd be thrilled, but if it was oatmeal we'd probably have a revolt! Have you ever struggled with this in a spiritual sense? Do you long to hear from God and all that comes is a verse that's familiar?

Friend, that's not a problem. God's Word is living and active...it provides what we need. When He gives you a familiar verse or passage, dig in deeper, read it in context, study key words or find it's meaning in the original language. Scripture will satisfy.

Finally, one other thought from my time in the cattle pen - this time an advantage for us. We feed our cattle morning and night, so they eat twice a day. Friend, we don't have to wait for mealtime or bedtime to feed on God's Word. It's available anytime. The same can be said for the One who feeds us as well. We can pray anytime and anywhere.

The only reason we are ever hungry is because we fill up on the wrong food or don't stop long enough to eat His Word or drink the Living Water. Let's be sure to do that today!!

Dear Heavenly Father, Lord you know my every need. You know what I'm hungry for and can provide that nourishment. Help me go to You when the hunger pains hit. May I trust You to fill me up. Give me a hunger for Your Word. Like the deer pants for water may I thirst for You. Thank You for always providing and feeding me, Your sheep. You are a good, good Father and I am thankful. Help me be like Mary and choose what is better - time at your feet. In Jesus' holy name I pray...Amen

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Another amazing farm analogy to bring God's Word alive! Thank you, Jill, for a great reminder. Amen and amen to your prayer. I am praying it today.

Love, me