Saturday, December 6, 2008

Whose eyes?

“Whose Eyes?”
In my eyes,
you’re someone I look up to
and an example for me to follow.
In your eyes,
you know the mistakes you have made
and the places you fall short.
In His eyes,
He sees the good
and forgives the bad.
In my eyes,
you’re a woman of wisdom –
a place to turn for advice.
In your eyes,
you know the life you’ve lived
and the difficult lessons you have learned.
In His eyes,
He knows every scene is part of the story,
one He wrote years ago.
In my eyes,
you honor me
by being my friend.
In your eyes,
you don’t always understand
the significance of your role.
In His eyes,
He’s delighted with the life you live
and glorified when your faith is shared.
In my eyes,
you’re a friend
worthy of respect.
In your eyes,
you wonder if you’re deserving
and thus downplay the praise.
In His eyes,
He sees a daughter He created,
a child whom He loves.

Through whose eyes do you see when you look at others and even when you look at yourself?

1 comment:

Laura said...

How lovely, Jill. Thank you for reminding me to look at others through His eyes. This is my prayer today.

Love to you,
