Thursday, March 12, 2015

Wonder Woman

My Little "Wonder Woman"!
"Mom, I really am wonder woman...because I wonder a lot." The statement my 8 year old daughter made to me. The first part of Jaylyn's statement caught me off guard...I didn't even know if she knew there really was a "Wonder Woman", but the last part of her phrase made me laugh. She is a deep thinker for a little girl and lately I've been reminded that she comes by that naturally. 

If my daughter is "wonder woman", I'm definitely the Mom who taught her everything she knows! My mind rarely shuts off, just ask my husband. Thinking is a good thing and God created our brains for a reason, but lately I've been reminded He also addresses this in His Word because we need to use them for our good and His glory. 

Awhile back a few little things happened that didn't go the way I expected or wanted and after each one I found myself thinking the same thing - "It doesn't matter." In the big picture of life that was was all trivial, selfish stuff, but in time and after having this phrase roll through my mind 3 or 4 times, three new words took over - "You don't matter." 

I felt like people didn't care and when my opinions weren't considered, Satan took advantage of the opportunity to pounce. He replaced my thoughts, "It doesn't matter" with his lie - "You don't matter." Friend, I'm sorry to admit it, but these became words I thought about for awhile. The "wonder woman" in me was wondering about the wrong things and was left feeling defeated, discouraged and full of doubt. 

Thankfully, God was at work in all of this as well...whispering Truth to my heart, reminding me of who He is and who I am. He'd redirect my thinking through His Word, prompt me to praise through music and encourage me with words from others. 

Being the loving Father that He is He then gave me grace and proceeded to teach me a I've learned before, but needed to be reminded of. It can be summed up with these two verses - 

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things." (Philippians 4:8)  

"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." (2 Corinthians 10:5)

Friend, these are verses I've read countless times and heard just as often...I know them, but obviously I don't always do them. Sometimes I do, but lately I haven't done very well. As I reflect on this I'm reminded of a saying, "The mind is Satan's playground, the Christian's battlefield and God's classroom." Take a minute and think about the thoughts that roll through your head, would you agree? 

Now join me in looking at these two scriptures a bit more - 2 Corinthians has some very strong language - demolish and take captive. I think of the word "demolish" and I picture my two little boys building towers and then destroying them...this is not what I did with the doubts and lies Satan put in my mind. 

My kids and I are reading a book about the Vikings and we spend a lot of time discussing the prisoners they took captive. They are confined and locked up. My thoughts were anything but, they ran wild and took over. Let me ask, "Do your thoughts ever do that?" 

Friends, I didn't just fail in applying this verse, but I wasn't practicing Philippians 4:8 either. I was thinking about was wrong, false, defeating and from the evil one. My wondering left me thinking about things that brought me down and made me doubt. Not just who I was, but also what God wanted me to do.

God has created us each to be a "wonder woman", but we must wonder about the right things! The next time your mind starts to wonder, push pause for a moment and make sure your thoughts are ones that bring God glory and you good!

Today will you join me in applying Romans 12:2? "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."  How can we do that? By spending time in God's Word, meditating on Scripture and living out Isaiah 26:3 - "You keep in perfect peace him whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in You." 

When the "wonder woman" in you wants to take over, I pray you will wonder about the right things and friend, I'd love for you to pray the same for me! Below you can find a prayer to help you get started and a song to leave you encouraged. Friend, "Wonder Woman" from the cartoons had super powers, but we have God's resurrecting power...whatever you are struggling with, He can help you overcome!!

Thank you for joining me for this little talk I had with myself...I pray God uses it to speak to you as well!

If this is an area of struggle for you, join me in praying, "Lord, you've given me the ability to think, help me use that gift for your glory and my good. Father, I ask for your help in taking every thought captive. Help me demolish everything thing that is contrary to your Word. Help me recognize lies from the evil one and replace them with Truth. Lord, fill my mind with what is good, true, noble, right, pure, lovely and admirable. Today Lord, renew my mind and keep it focused on YOU. In Jesus' Name, Amen" 

Friend, if you're like me and can struggle with negative thoughts about yourself and lies about your worth, I pray the words from this song speak to your soul. Listen in as Sidewalk Prophets sing "The Words I Would Say", I'm a friend who wants to share them with you and to my friends who shared them with me - "Thanks!" 

1 comment:

Amber Paulsen said...

Loved your prayer and post. I prayed the prayer over you and me both. Many years ago, I prayed to the Lord that my thoughts would be either His Word, prayers for others, or me talking to Him. And of course thoughts that I need to do~ like when I'm working and stuff. In the last year, by the grace of God, I've been learning to hear His voice to me, and it is so encouraging... I used to struggle with racing thoughts terribly. I thank God for healing me in many ways, and I give credit and glory to Him and His Word. One thing that really helped is when I took on the challenge/discipline of memorizing a full book of the bible - Colossians. I say it on my way to work out loud, and now it's been 4 years or so. Anyway, I feel like lies are just falling off of me. Jill, many women REALLY struggle with this. I just got done with the "Keep it shut" study with Proverbs31 OBS. So many women on the facebook page said how much they struggle with racing thoughts and even defensive thoughts. So it is very common. May the LORD heal our minds, may we never feel defensive towards people (but only the enemy), and may we all be healed of racing thoughts in Jesus' mighty name.