Monday, May 12, 2014

The Ministry of Motherhood

Welcome to those of you joining me from the Encouragement Cafe! In my devotional today, I talk about "The Dreaded Question". As a young adult I never pictured myself as a stay-at-home Mom and even 11 years ago when my first son was born I didn't know if that was a "job" for me. Rather than turning in my resignation I asked for a year's leave of absence...this delayed the decision, but eventually I submitted to God's plan and am now home with 5 little people who are quickly growing up.

I no longer struggle with the "What do you do?" question like I use to, but most days the role I do play is hard. More than once I've told my husband, "100 junior high kids were easier than this!!" And I'm not kidding!! Being a Mom, whether you stay at home or work outside, is hard. 

There's the daily work it requires, the stress, the noise,the questions, the being needed ALL the time...the list doesn't end and then it starts all over tomorrow. But fried, let me remind you (and me) that motherhood isn't about the work or the title, it really is a ministry.

One of my favorite Bible verses is 2 Timothy 4:5, "But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry." Years ago, God used these words to speak to my heart as He called me to write and led me into women's ministry, but lately He's been using them to talk to me about my role as Mom. 

What better advice could you give to a Mom?

Keep your head in all situations. Oh and there are situations aren't there?!?! Times of trial, fighting, frustration, worry and fear - motherhood has it all! Daily Moms are tempted to lose it, feel guilty or angry, unappreciated and underpaid, but whatever the situation we must keep our heads. Other versions refer to this as being self-controlled, keeping a clear mind and being sober. As a Mom, pray about this and try to do it!

Endure hardship. Again hardship comes with the job...motherhood is a blessing, but it includes challenges and work. There can be big struggles and daily little ones...both can cause you to want to quit or leave you thinking you're not enough. But in God's Word we're reminded trials will come and here Paul instructs us to endure them. Mom, when trials come don't avoid them, run from them or through them, endure them. 

Do the work of an evangelist. What does an evangelist do? Tell people about Jesus and as a Mom that is the most important thing we can do for our children. Remember friend, we tell them much more with our actions than our words! So read them the Bible stories, but live out your faith. Allow them to see you reading your Bible, let them read your prayer journal, ask them for forgiveness and share Christ's love!

Discharge all the duties of your ministry. Do the work, all of it. As Moms, we must persevere and be diligent. The job never really ends and if we're going to do it well we must continually be in touch with our Heavenly Father who will equip us for the task He's called us. Abide with Him with my friend!

I pray you are encouraged in your role as Mom today!! It is a privilege and truly a high calling, but friend let us remember it is a responsibility as well...may we not take it lightly or for granted! Mom, your ministry matters!!

Dear Heavenly Father, Lord thank you for creating me to be a wife and a mom. Help me see these roles the way you do...ones of eternal importance. I ask for your help in keeping a clear me stay calm in moments of frustration, focused in times of stressed and prayerful in all situations. Lord, hard days will come, difficult situations are a part of life and trying moments are daily present help me endure them all. And Father I pray for myself as an evangelist, help me live out my faith in my home, draw me closer to Yourself and help me share You, starting with those who are in my home. Lord, you have given me work to do, my ministry, help me do what You created me to do. In Jesus' Name, Amen


Kimberly said...

What great encouragement, Jill! And what a great verse for motherhood! I had never read it in that light before. :) Your kids are blessed to have a mom who looks to Jesus like you do. Truly.

And as for me...the two that really stick out to me are the evangelist...the Lord keeps reminding me to lead them to Him. Just keep leading them to Him in every situation. To wear a groove into their hearts, a path to Him that they will be able to continue to turn to as they grow older. And then that last part...discharge all of my duties. Oh, my. He is working on helping me with my "faithfulness" in all my at home tasks. :)

Much love to you, Jill! You are a great encourager.
K :)

Jill Beran said...

Kimberly, your words have blessed me more than you know! This motherhood thing is a journey...grateful for God's grace, instruction and patience. Also thankful to share it with you. Blessings and prayers, Jill