It's harvest season here on the farm and things had been going well, the weather was cooperating and equipment was working, but last week it rained. The combine hasn't moved since and we're hopeful things will soon be dry enough to start harvesting again.
After a few solid weeks of harvest this pause in the plans has been welcomed, but after a few days of change my husband is ready to get back to business. Before that happens, God had a lesson to teach me and I pray it's one He uses for you as well.
Three weeks ago, harvest was just beginning and I shared a post about seasons (you can read it HERE) and I continue to find myself thinking about these periods of time - both the physical and spiritual ones. I've also found myself thinking about and studying the word, and action, serve. One who serves is a servant and if we call ourselves servants of Christ we must work for and wait on Him. I always understood the work for part of the term, but the wait on piece of the definition has really caused me to think. A server in a restaurant waits on tables and as one who serves God we wait on the One who created and controls the world.
Friend, as we serve there will be seasons - seasons of joy and pain, ease and difficulty, rain and winter, grief and doubt. Seasons will come and go just like they do on the farm and sometimes we too will just have to wait. Like some farmers we may be ready for the season to be over. We may have been working towards a goal or longing for the pain to be over thinking the end was in sight only to have something happen and change comes. The season goes on and lasts longer.
Had it not rained last week, our harvest could have be done, so instead of celebrating we continue to pray as the month comes to a close and winter draws nearer. As I've watched my husband over the last few days, God's provided me some important reminders...
While we wait, there's other work we can do. On the farm the work truly never ends and though my husband couldn't combine our crops, he could fix equipment, load semis and take care of livestock. He also was able to spend more time with the ones he loves. Friend, are you in a season that doesn't seem to end? What can you be doing while you wait for it to be over? Are you waiting for a season to begin? What can you do to prepare yourself so you are ready when the wait is over?
For us the harvest season hasn't ended yet and I believe there's a reason for that. I don't know the why and may never understand, but I believe Daniel 2:21 holds the answer. Here Daniel is praising God, the one who "changes times and seasons..." Friend, He is in control. He is sovereign and He knows. So whether you are in the season of diapers or teenagers, grief or anxiety or you fill in the blank, God is one we can trust. He is working and will make a way.
There will be waiting times in every season we walk through, but since we are in the midst of harvest here on the farm I've specifically thought about spiritual harvest seasons as well. In Luke 10:2, the Bible tells us, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few." I think we all understand this message and know there is much that needs to be done and many to invite into God's kingdom. But if the spiritual harvest is anything like the one on the farm, we must remember it takes time. We must be wise and diligent and even sometimes willing to wait.
Finally, the last area I want to remind myself and you to wait is in prayer. Is there something you are praying for? Wisdom you need? Direction you want? A season to end? May this example from Daniel encourage you if your answer has not yet come. In chapter 12, Daniel has a vision and here's part of what the man said, "Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them. But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia. Now I have come..." The man heard Daniel's words immediately, but didn't respond for 3 weeks. Friend, God works in a similar way - He hears us instantly and always is at work, but sometime the answer takes time. May we remember there is a spiritual battle going on (Ephesians 6) and we must press on in prayer while we wait.
God is faithful. (Deut. 7:9) He can't be anything else. He will listen. He will work. Sometimes we simply must wait. If you are in a season of waiting may these verses from Scripture comfort your soul and renew your mind -
"It is good that one should hope and wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord." (Lamentations 3:26) (Remember salvation not only refers to God saving us eternally, but also to Him delivering us from harm, ruin or loss.)
"Wait for the Lord and He will save you." (Proverbs 20:22b)
"Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart." (Galatians 6:9)
"See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rains. You too be patient and stand firm, because the Lord's coming is near." (James 5:7-8)
Friend, I know waiting is hard, but waiting is worth it. I pray each time we find ourselves having to wait, God will remind us of these truths. He has a reason, He is working and He can be trusted. Wait on Him!!
Dear Heavenly Father, help us wait on you. During the wait remind us of who you are and strengthen our trust in you. Renew our strength. May we mount up with wings like eagles, help us run and not be weary, help us walk and not be faint. You are our everlasting Father and we praise you. Help us worship while we wait. In Jesus' precious and powerful name...Amen